those of you who have not been back to our barber shop recently we would
like to update you on our current prices. We have tried to maintain
the price list in the same format you were accustomed to in the past,
nevertheless, the recent economic conditions necessitated a modest price
My name
is Ray. I am the proprietor of Ray's Barber shop, welcome to my web site.
If you are presently shopping around for a new barber shop to service
your needs I think it would be in your best interests to visit my shop.
I believe that your time is every bit as valuable to you as mine is to
me. I therefore believe that if you are willing to invest some of that
time to investigate the services that I offer, the least I can do is to
reciprocate in kind. Having said that, I offer a special price for first
time customers as an incentive to avail themselves of those services.
I have made
available a special coupon to facilitate that offer. Directly underneath
this paragraph you will find a copy of that item. I urge you to take advabtage
of this special offer by clicking on the coupon, printing it and bringing
it with you on your first visit to my shop. I look forward to meeting
you and to establishing a mutually enjoyable business relationship.
I went for the first time and feel some type of way this was not suggested to me. loved the location but will not be back for this reason because now I feel I over paid as a first time customer. I even told the barber I just moved from out of state. two thumbs down!